Medusa (33.5x48.5 - colored pencils)
Chains of pain (china)
Giano (china)
Salomè (china)
Chrysalis (33x44 - china)
Beast (china)
The Memory of three (48x33 - china)
Bermude (48x33 - china, ballpoint pen)
Blade (21 x 29,7- china)
Erzsébet (21 x 29,7- china)
Joker (mix media)
Lovers (32 x 24- ballpoint pen, enamel, colored pencil)
Anubis (32 x 24- pencil)
Mouth (15 x 20.5- marker)
Spring buds (48 x 33- ballpoint pen)
Bust of a woman (50x70 - colored pencils)
Chains (48 x 33- pencil)
Teeth (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Inside (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Pain (33 x 25.5- ballpoint pen, pencil, enamel, vileda cloth, electric cables)
Experiment (21.5 x 29 - pencil)
Cage (48 x 33- ballpoint pen)
Gourmet (32 x 24- pencil)
the faces of black (198 x 138 - ballpoint pen)
The seed of the earth (50x70 - ballpoint pen, acrylic)
the garden of the beast (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
The man of the stairs - cuts the legs of those who stumble on the steps ... (29.7 x 21- ballpoint pen)
Morphine (173x50 - acrylic, pencils, watercolor, tempera)
Eyes of Medusa (50x70 - ballpoint pen)
Leather (32 x 24- acrylic)
four (24x32- marker)
Cellular symbiosis (34 x 28.5- ballpoint pen, marker)
Stiletto heel (32 x 24- pencil)
Timer (29.5 x 19- ballpoint pen, acrylic)
Torture (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Ultracorpi (20.4x13 - ballpoint pen)
Mirage (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Flower (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
At the bottom of the lake (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Maelstrom (21 x 29.7 - ballpoint pen)
Hieroglyphics (50x70 - pencil and acrylic)
bus braking (83.3x29.5-marker)
Abissi (21x87 - ballpoint pen)
Languages (58.5x21-ballpoint pen)
Reflection (48X33 - ballpoint pen, silver and acrylic enamel - 1999)
Morgana (1995-2016; 49x62 - colored pencil and ballpoint pen on paper)
eyewitness (31/01/2016 - 48x33 - colored pencils)
Nosferatu (2018 - 21 x 29.7 - pencil)
Tentacles (2016 - 21 x 29.7 - china)